
Ramdas Lobhi

Artist Ramdas Shankar Lobhi, supported by art initiative Archana & Harish Mittal, presents "... and then there was light" from 29 March to 3 April, 11am - 8pm daily at Visual Arts Centre!

Visual Arts Centre cordially invites you to the Exhibition's Opening on 29 March, 6.30pm. Guests are to arrive at 6pm.

Mr. Ramdas Shankar Lobhi have always been fascinated by festivals of India in all their vibrant spirit and grandeur. In his paintings, Artist Ramdas Shankar Lobhi tried to depict the symbols and customs of the festivals and how they are celebrated by a variety of people with different circumstances. He tried to bring to life various aspects of the festivals that make them unique and lend them a distinctive quality.

Admission to the exhibition is free.