
Mansi Vishwas Sagar

From the very beginning of the picture, every good bad experience that has come to this day has become the subject of pictures. Art is such a great platform for me to express my mind which is basically sensitive! Singular-poetry writing, dance, music, formulary. In each of these abstracted art forms, being a young person, and having a child buried within me, helped me become a better Art Teacher!

I have never really understood that I have fallen in love with Nude, which is basically a tendency towards realistic work. According to others, I do 'Nude' but I think I take pictures of nature! Because I think the human body is one of nature's best inventions. I am constantly drawn to the sensation of a woman touching a more invisible body, its shape, skin color, light and even more invisible mind.

I am looking forward to finding more emotions .. I am also saying that some women are feminists, even so! Along with Nude, I have handled other subjects, including portraits, portraits, uplifting sculptures, but not as much love as I have on Nude! Right now, I cannot say whether I will only do nude for the rest of my life, but the thing that spills inside me will be my true art.